About Me
Fully alive in the true hope of Christ, family man, thinker,
dreamer, creative problem solver, friend.
I’m Jim gates
For the last three plus years I have worked as Outreach Coordinator and Director for a multi-site church in Alabama. With the exception of two years with Promise Keepers, I worked in sales, marketing, and team management in several companies.
Most notably, in 2012, I launched a Lysol branded air filter nationwide working as brand manager at an innovative manufacturer in Alabama. I negotiated the licensing deal, had a significant role in developing the product and its launch, and led marketing and sales efforts.
While there I was Lean Manufacturing Certified which contributes to my understanding and commitment to establishing efficient processes to succeed.
I have been a partner in a software company that developed an asset tracking and management solution for hospitals. Our software was used in MD Anderson Cancer Center, Vanderbilt Medical Center, Cook County Hospitals, Louisiana Property Assistance Agency and more.

General George S. Patton